Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Concerts are a big part of college life and Philly is the perfect city to go to concerts. There are venues all over the place. It is nice to because there is a variety of venues. I have seen quite a few concerts. My favorite would have to be when I saw Gavin Degraw at the Electric Factory. It is a great venue and he is amazing to see. So I highly recommend keeping a look out on ticketmaster for a concert that you would really enjoy.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

back to school

Well the summer is about half way over and soon we will be heading back to school. It is weird but I am excited to get back to school, not for classes but for all the people I miss over the summer. I hope everyone is enjoying their orientation. I had a blast at mine before coming to Drexel. I made some great friends. Well that is it for now, I will have more later.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


The nice thing about being on break from school is the ability to all the friends I went to high school. We are now able to catch up with each other and such. In face two of my very best friends and I are going to a concert this weekend at Hershey Park. This is place is the place Drexel does trips to. It is a pretty amazing place all in all. The nice also about being home is that I have my car and I can go visit all of the friends that I made in school. So even though I actually miss school being home is not too bad.

Also on a side note I am sorry that I missed last week's blog. We had a death in the family. But I promise to put in an extra one this week.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

away from school

Well I am not at school this summer. It is a change to go between being at school for nine months to being at home for the summer. I miss school but that is what visits and IMs are for I guess. My first summer home I was very happy to be back home but this is my second summer home and I actually miss school. It is strange I know. College really does become a major part of your life and it is sad to leave it. Although being at home does have its advantages to, home cooked meals and parents there to buy your things for you so it is not that bad.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Hello everyone
It is finally summer and I am at home for it. Yes I will be working from as your DWC. I just moved so it is a bit crazy at my house this summer. It is amazing to see what one has amassed after eight years. Well this is just a quick hey and to say Congratulations on graduation.