Thursday, April 26, 2007

Fourth Week

Well it is the fourth week of classes right now and that means mid-terms start soon. Mid-terms are never that much fun. But the way it looks right now for me is that it should not be too bad. Otherwise nothing exciting is happening. It has been a pretty laid back week. I do have my Praxis exam this weekend that I am a little worried about. Other than that nothing happening here on the home front. I will give you a new update next week.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


So I work in the call center. It is an interesting job. I make calls to either accepted students or prospective students. The people I work with are really fun to work with. They make all the bad phones calls completely worth it. My mom is very happy that I have a job here at school. This way I ask her for less money during the year. But I still do.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Well I am a huge fan of doing volunteer work. Right now I am a tutor with SquashSmarts. They are an organization that tutors West Philadelphia students and they teach them how to play squash. They really embody the whole student athelete aspect. I really enjoy it. They students are a lot of fun to work with as well as the other tutors.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

First Day

Hey well today was my first day on the job as a DWC. It went pretty well. Hopefully everyone recieved their email from me. Well there will be more to come later.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

First Week

Hey everyone,
Well this is my first blog, so I hope you all enjoy it.
This was the first week of classes. It has been crazy settling in. I still wish I was back on spring break. Break was great I did not have to do anything so that was a very nice change. So far classes are going well. Have not been to all of them yet. Hopefully they will all be fun classes.