Wednesday, August 29, 2007

the start of school

Well the start of school is just around the corner. Only about 3 weeks away. I just want to wish everyone the best of luck. The first week of school can sometimes can be daunting but it gets easier and it is tons of fun. I recommend moving in early and getting to everyone that you can. Anything else is best learned through experience. Good Luck and Have Fun!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I just went through the exciting journey of scheduling my classes. This is really easy but can get annoying when there those registration errors. It is nice though because the advisers always seem to be on the look out for emails concerning scheduling classes. My always answer my emails right away. Which is nice because I hate when I need a class and can't get through the normal channels. It is nice to schedule your own classes because you put them where you want them. If you are a morning person then you put them there, if you are an afternoon person you put them there. Once you freshman get past the first term you then get to schedule your own classes. I love the system of scheduling so much.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

College Days

College Days in Philly are so much fun. They open up all the museums to students and it is all free as long as you have your id. There is concerts going on and booths are set up all over the Parkway. There is plenty of free goodies and everything. There is all free transportation for all of this as well making it even easier to get around. They even do bus trips to Pier One. Drexel does bus trips to the Parkway and South street. South street has a great poster shop. A great place to find decorations for the dorm room. Take advantage of college days. It is a lot fun and who can say no to free goodies.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Shopping for college is a lot of fun all new stuff and everything. Just a good idea talk to your roommates/suitemates. Double of stuff is no fun and not having it is the same. Ikea is right in Philly so if you realize when you get there that you are missing items you can just pop down there and get it. Also the first weekend you are at school it is college weekend in Philly. And they have buses to South St. and Ikea. College weekend is pretty awesome, I recommend taking advantage of that.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Philly is great because it is a historical landmark. Independence hall is there, that is were the Declaration of Independence was signed also the Constitution was written there. The Liberty Bell resides in Philly. Many of these things were made even more popular by the movie National Treasure. One of the coolest historical items is Elfreth's Alley the oldest residential street in America. The Betsy Ross is pretty cool. The Constitution Center has a lot of interesting information as well. If you are a history buff then I totally recommend visiting Old City, Philly. The amount of history there is pretty awesome.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Concerts are a big part of college life and Philly is the perfect city to go to concerts. There are venues all over the place. It is nice to because there is a variety of venues. I have seen quite a few concerts. My favorite would have to be when I saw Gavin Degraw at the Electric Factory. It is a great venue and he is amazing to see. So I highly recommend keeping a look out on ticketmaster for a concert that you would really enjoy.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

back to school

Well the summer is about half way over and soon we will be heading back to school. It is weird but I am excited to get back to school, not for classes but for all the people I miss over the summer. I hope everyone is enjoying their orientation. I had a blast at mine before coming to Drexel. I made some great friends. Well that is it for now, I will have more later.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


The nice thing about being on break from school is the ability to all the friends I went to high school. We are now able to catch up with each other and such. In face two of my very best friends and I are going to a concert this weekend at Hershey Park. This is place is the place Drexel does trips to. It is a pretty amazing place all in all. The nice also about being home is that I have my car and I can go visit all of the friends that I made in school. So even though I actually miss school being home is not too bad.

Also on a side note I am sorry that I missed last week's blog. We had a death in the family. But I promise to put in an extra one this week.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

away from school

Well I am not at school this summer. It is a change to go between being at school for nine months to being at home for the summer. I miss school but that is what visits and IMs are for I guess. My first summer home I was very happy to be back home but this is my second summer home and I actually miss school. It is strange I know. College really does become a major part of your life and it is sad to leave it. Although being at home does have its advantages to, home cooked meals and parents there to buy your things for you so it is not that bad.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Hello everyone
It is finally summer and I am at home for it. Yes I will be working from as your DWC. I just moved so it is a bit crazy at my house this summer. It is amazing to see what one has amassed after eight years. Well this is just a quick hey and to say Congratulations on graduation.

Monday, June 4, 2007

New and Done

I wanted to let you guys know a new member will be joining us soon, his name is Pete. He will also be one of your DWC ambassadors.

This is the last week of classes. It is very hectic right now with last minute quizzes and papers. I can't believe it is week ten already. Having the quarter system things just move so quickly. It is nice because in a flash you are done. But being the end of spring term means that it is move out for most of us and that just adds to it all. But its cool for in week and a half it will all be done and it will be time for summer break.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Well spring is now in full bloom and summer is just around the corner. Philly is beautiful right now. All the flowers and trees are in bloom. Also this means the beginning of baseball. The Phillies games are so much fun. The best time to go to a Phillies game is on dollar dog night. This means all hot dogs cost a dollar. A nice thing about going to a Phillies game is that it is relatively inexpensive. Tickets are only like $16, and they are decent seats. I highly recommend once in Philly to take in a baseball game at some point. They are so much fun even if you do not care for baseball.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Chocolate is the topic of the day. I personally love chocolate. I lived near Hershey which is basically the capital of chocolate. This town smells like chocolate all the time. There is also an amusement park there. It is a lot of fun and there is one ride that at the end of the ride they give free samples of the new candy before it is released or just the candy of the moment. I got to try Take 5s and Kisses with the candy coating before they hit stores. Campus Activities Board (CAB) is organizing a trip to Hershey Park. They do this every year so I highly recommend going on this trip because Hershey Park is an amazing place with mountains of chocolate.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Favorite Resturant-New Deck Tavern
This is a great little Irish Pub. The meals all taste home cooked if you have parents who can cook. It is great.
Favorite Shopping-Walnut and Chestnut Street between 15th and 18th
This is where Liberty Place is which is a nice mall. There is also a H&M and Urban Outfitters here so it is a lot of nice shopping.
Favorite Tourist Attraction-Elreth's Alley
This is the oldest residential street in America and is really beautiful. Also Old City is just amazing in general.
Favorite Museum-The Franklin Institute
Anything to do with Ben Franklin is alright by me and this place is all about him and his inventions. It also has the giant heart and an IMAX. Fun place to spend an afternoon.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Lil Sibs Weekend

This past weekend was Lil Sibs weekend. I brought my little sister to school with me. We had tons of fun. We watched movies, went roller skating, and played games. They even had a little carnival that we went to, it was fun. They had meals also set up for us, a pancake breakfast and taste of Philly dinner. It was a great time. My sister really enjoyed seeing where her big sister spent most of her time. I hope everyone gets a chance to do this, it is a great experience for both parties involved.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Fourth Week

Well it is the fourth week of classes right now and that means mid-terms start soon. Mid-terms are never that much fun. But the way it looks right now for me is that it should not be too bad. Otherwise nothing exciting is happening. It has been a pretty laid back week. I do have my Praxis exam this weekend that I am a little worried about. Other than that nothing happening here on the home front. I will give you a new update next week.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


So I work in the call center. It is an interesting job. I make calls to either accepted students or prospective students. The people I work with are really fun to work with. They make all the bad phones calls completely worth it. My mom is very happy that I have a job here at school. This way I ask her for less money during the year. But I still do.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Well I am a huge fan of doing volunteer work. Right now I am a tutor with SquashSmarts. They are an organization that tutors West Philadelphia students and they teach them how to play squash. They really embody the whole student athelete aspect. I really enjoy it. They students are a lot of fun to work with as well as the other tutors.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

First Day

Hey well today was my first day on the job as a DWC. It went pretty well. Hopefully everyone recieved their email from me. Well there will be more to come later.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

First Week

Hey everyone,
Well this is my first blog, so I hope you all enjoy it.
This was the first week of classes. It has been crazy settling in. I still wish I was back on spring break. Break was great I did not have to do anything so that was a very nice change. So far classes are going well. Have not been to all of them yet. Hopefully they will all be fun classes.